God Light and Science
By Ezra Trimper
1 Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto;
I'm a big fan of Einstein's work one of the greatest imaginations to ever live who happened to believed in God. Up until Einstein's theories of relativity there was a small contradiction in Newton's theories of light and the Bibles.
Here's what Einstein said about light. Einstein said Light is a constant. Like God constant never changing eternal.
Up until Einstein most of the world believed Newton's theories that space and time were constant throughout the universe one second on earth would be equal to one second on mars or any where else in the universe. Newton also believed that theoretically if something moved fast enough they could reach any speeding object including light. Sure seems quite logical right the speed of light is 186,282 miles/second that's 301,776 KM/s if you moved fast enough you would approach it.
Then Einstein through his genius thought time and space are relative the faster an object moves the slower time goes and the shorter space becomes.
Einstein said that no matter how fast you could go you can not reach the speed of light, time would actually slow down for you and a beam of light would appear to be racing away from you at the same speed. You may think this is science-fiction but if it was we wouldn't have the atom bomb the sun wouldn't produce enough energy, our GPS devices would be incorrect because time in the orbit where the satellites are is actually different then 24 hours on earth.
Up until Einstein people generally thought we could theoretically approach the speed of light. According to the Einstein the Bible was right all along over 1800 years before Einstein's theories here's what the Bible says.
1 Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto;
According to Einstein no man or mass can approach light not even get closer to it by a second. Even if you were going the speed of light you still wouldn't be any closer to the beam of light.