The Meaning Of The Name Jesus
Meaning of
the Name Of all the names dear to men, the one most precious is the simple yet sublime name of Jesus. Like the apostle Paul, all who have been brought to know Him (Acts9:5) can truly say that Jesus is the "name which is above every name." (Philippians 2:9). "Thou shalt call His name Jesus" was announced by angels to both Mary and Joseph before the Babe was born, and to Joseph was added, "for He shall save His people from their sins." (Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21). this personal name is not only a preeminently human one given to Him as man, but likewise preeminently divine seeing it proclaimed Him to be Jehovah God. This double significance of the name Jesus is borne out in its construction. The first syllable JE, or Jah--Hehovah--speaks of dvine authority, that Jesus came as the great I AM. Je tells us of His eternal Godhead, of His covenant relations, and of His mighty power and condescending love. All the virtues dimly seen in the Jehovah of old became manifest in Him who bore the name of Jesus The other syllable, SUS is associated with the name Oshea, Hosea , or Houshaia, meaning "help," which was the name of one of the spies sent out by Moses, but which he changed to Jehoshua, signifying "Jehovah the Saviour," or "Deliverer" (Numbers 13:16). Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, which itself is a contraction of Jehoshua. thus in the second part of Je-sus, we are assured of pardon and peace, of deliverance from sin and hell. The matchless name Jesus, therefore, expresses the relation of Jehovah the Him in incarnation, by which "He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8), as the twin syllables of the name knit together imply. The constant use of the name Jesus, some 700 times in the New Testament, testifies to the supreme position He occupied, and the high reverence given to His varied glories by those who knew Him. To them, such a precious name proclaimed who and what He is. --Herbert Lockyer . |
No Other
Name "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12) There are many names in the history of religious thought--names such as Mohammed, Buddha, confucius, Joseph Smith, among a host of others. Each has a multitude of followers who pay homage to his name. but there is only one name that saves eternally, the Lord Jesus Christ. The words of the above text were spoken by the apostle Peter. In his epistle, John also stresses the fact: "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" (1John 5:12). The apostle Paul wrote that all those "that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ...shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord" (2 thessalonians 1:8,9). This exclusivity necessarily results from the fact that there is only one God and creator of all men, and that all men have rebelled against Him. God Himself has become Redeemer and Saviour, dying for the sin of the world and rising again. there can, therefore, be no other Saviour than God Himself. Jesus repeatedly stressed this truth. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me" (john 14:6) It is urgent that anyone desiring forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation come to God through Jesus Christ. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (john 3:36) --Henry M. Morris |
A special
thanks to the quarterly publication "Moments For You" compiled by
"Moments With the Book ( These two articles were taken
from vol.44 4th quarter, 2000
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