Sealed With The Holy Spirit |
The wikipedia encyclopedia can state a seal to be “Seals were used
both to seal the item to prevent tampering, as well as to provide proof
that the item was actually from the sender and is not a forgery” With this said let us take special notice to two verses found in Ephesians. Ephesians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14. These verses if read slowly and studied hold an amazing amount of courage and reassurance to the believer. 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. In verse 13 we see the sum of our salvation. -- The only way of salvation. We heard the word of truth (John 17:17). We remember when we realized our need of the Saviour. Then we believed, or to word better, put our complete trust in. Then what happened after the moment we trusted Christ? We were indwelt with the Holy Spirit. You see no pause here in Paul’s writing. We believed and the moment we believed we received the Holy Spirit….were sealed with it Now this is what I want to take notice in. The sealing of something. As noted at the beginning a seal was something very important at one time and in some manners today such as legal manners you will still see seals used today to confirm authenticity. There were two aspects to a seal. One was to ensure safe keeping of the item as it journeyed from one place to another. But there was another reason as well. It was the proof given to the carrier of that item and also the observers that saw that letter that it was an authentic item coming directly from perhaps a King or Queen. There was no question about it. Now let’s look at the term that God has used: sphragizo (greek)…… this term seems to indicate two things. The sealing up of something for security and also for authenticity. Now if it means that let’s take a minute and think about something. Who does it need to be apparent to that this seal is authentic? To the person that has received it and also to an observer perhaps? But the word “earnest” in the next verse shows as if it is a down payment for something greater. So let’s look at these two wonderful verses again. As soon as we trusted in Christ the Holy Spirit was within us. In doing this He did two things. Marked us separate for something greater. So the fact we have the Holy Spirit within us tells us that we have trusted Christ, we have entered into something so great and while we are here on earth the Holy Spirit remains in us and preserves us until that coming day we enter glory. So to me to refer to the Holy Spirit as the seal. Is very significant to me for two reasons. One it shows me that I have been set apart very specially for something very great. I have been preserved from sin and set securely into God’s promise while on this earth. To me it also shows something else. The seal also aids me in times of discouragement and doubts. To be able to look back to that day when I trusted the Saviour. The reality when The Holy Spirit indwelt me and to be able to thank God for so great a gift of Salvation. And if I am living the reality of my trust in Christ then the seal should be operating in it’s full potential. Showing evidence to the observer…. “there is something different about that person.”………wouldn’t that be great to hear? To know that someone has witnessed the seal? The reality of what I have? |
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