This article was written by a young Christian who as each day goes by realizes more and more what it means to be a Christian, to live for the only one that matters. Her Saviour -- the one who died for her.
As we read through this let us be able to say as well: "May God help me to live my life totally for Him!"
Set Apart
By Dawn Downing
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye seperate, saith the Lord...."
2 Cor. 6:17.
We as Christians sure don't like this verse do we? Well at least I know I don't.
I don't like to be "different". But you know what? I am! And it's amazing! Why
am I different? I am saved! I no longer dread the penalty of my sins because I
know when Christ was on the cross, He died for me. I am free! The Holy Spirit
now dwells in me. My home is no longer on earth, but in heaven, with my Savior.
I don't belong here! Then why do I try to fit in? Why do I have such a problem
with this seperation thing?
It's really been a burden to me lately to see so many Christians compromising
and blending right in the world, and being happy with it. It seems the question
today is "How close can I get?" We want to get as close as possible to the world
without getting into trouble. This is so dangerous!! It's like standing on the
very edge of a cliff with your toes hanging off. We want to see just how close
we can get without falling. Is this what God had in mind when He said to be
seperate? I don't think so.
Is this too much for God too ask of me? Now way! Not when He gave His all for
me! When He died on the cross, He gave His very life so that I might not have
spend an eternity in hell. I owe everything to Him! Out of love I should bow in
obedience to Him and do as He asks. My desire should be to bring glory to Him.
This brings me to something else that's really been a burden on my heart lately.
Well actually, once again, it's compromise. Compromise can be so subtle and
gradual. Just a little compromise here, a little there, and pretty soon, you
know where you are? A long ways from where you started! I've had some
conversations lately in which others have told me of a decision they've made. I
then ask "does that glorify the Lord?" The answer? "Well, no... but it doesn't
dishonor Him, so I guess it's neutral." I'm totally guilty of the same thing,
too. But you know what? There are no grey areas!!!! (Thanks, Amanda for
impressing that to me) Why, in my right mind, would I go choosing the so called
"neutral" decision when there's something better!!! When I could be bringing
honor to Him! Well, that answer is simple. I want to blend in with the world.
Just a little bit here and a little bit there. Next thing I know, I'll be
looking back and wondering where I went so wrong.
May God help me to live my life totally for Him! To not compromise, not even a
little bit! To be seperate--for Him! "...greater is He that is in you, than he
that is in the world." 1 Jn. 4:4. I can only live a seperate life with His help,
because without Him, I am nothing and I fail miserably. But "with God all things
are possible!" Matt. 19:26. We need each other so much. The temptations of this
world are unending. Lets pray for each other and encourage each other as we seek
to live for Him.
For more stuff by D. Downing, please visit: